
New in Fabman: Attach documents, images, …

We’ve just released a bunch of features at once:

OK, to be honest, it’s just one feature: file uploads – but everywhere!

Starting today, you can add images and other files wherever you see our rich-text editor: Add images and documents pretty much anywhere.

Simply drag and drop your files on the editor to upload and embed them into the text.

This works for member notes, invoice headers and footers, equipment and package descriptions, training courses, a member’s trainings and packages, activity log entries, and much more.

We expect this to be most useful for:

But you can also use it to show your logo in the member portal (by adding it to the “additional info for members” field of your space) or add a custom header or footer image to your invoices.

Add your logo to the member portal.

Other changes

As always, we’ve also released some other improvements and fixes: